Smokey Bones Reading Pennsylvania Take Out Menu

Гипермаркет знаний>>Английский язык>>Английский язык 11 класс>> 4a Reading Skills

Reading Skills

one   Imagine you are the person in the motion-picture show. Listen to the music and imagine the scene. What can you see, hear, touch, taste, odour? How do you feel?


2  The following phrases appear in the text. What practise you lot think the text is most? Read to find out.

•    life or death decision
•    faced with an agonising determination
•    send friend to certain death
•    slipped
•    incredible tale of survival
•    against all odds
•    British mountaineers
•    21,000-foot tiptop
•    reached the summit
•    frostbitten fingers
•    lowered his friend over crevasse
•    concord weight
•    cut the rope
•    adamant not to dice

3   Read again and match each sentence (A-H) to a gap (1-vii). There is one judgement that yous do not need to use.

A Only it was on this supposedly simpler route that disaster struck.

B So, believing his friend would never accept survived the autumn, he continued downwardly the mountain lonely.

C Neither could he grab hold of the cliff, considering he was too far abroad from the rocks.

D With no food or h2o left and a existent threat of hypothermia, they simply had to get off the mountain quickly.

E This is exactly what happened to Simon Yates.

F Simon's amazing courage and determination stopped him from giving up.

G In an unbelievable display of willpower, Joe managed to crawl seven miles downwards the mountain to safety.

H The mount had never been conquered before.


Imagine having to make a life or death decision, but one that affected non only your own life, but someone else's as well!I 1I  I   When he was just twenty-one years former, Simon found himself faced with an agonising determination: save his own life but in doing and so send his friend, Joe Simpson, to almost certain expiry, or try to salvage his friend, simply almost certainly dice in the try to do so. The story of Simon's choice, and the result of his decision, is a truly incredible tale of survival!

In the summertime of 1985, British mountaineers Joe Simpson and Simon Yates fix out to climb Siula Grande, a 21,000-pes pinnacle in the Peruvian Andes. | 2 | | And so for 2 adventurous and bold young men, it represented an irresistible challenge.

Joe and Simon chose the most difficult way up the mountain for their ascension. Nevertheless, they reached the summit without whatsoever problems. For their descent, still, they decided to take an easier path.| 3 | |    Joe slipped and broke his leg in three unlike places. In astringent hurting, he was completely crippled, unable to get on. Both climbers knew what this meant. | 4 | |So, against all odds, Simon decided to endeavor to get his injured friend downwardly to safety using a rope. He began lowering his friend downwardly the hundred incredibly painful metres at a fourth dimension.

At first, things went well. But then, afterward one particular driblet, Simon got no sound or signal back from Joe. Without knowing information technology, in the pitch black of the night, Simon had lowered his friend over the border of a deep crevasse . Hanging over the cliff, Joe'due south fingers were so frostbitten that he was unable to climb back up the rope. | five | |
Both climbers were also far abroad from each other to communicate. Simon held on to the rope for over an hour, trying to hold Joe's weight on the other terminate. But his strength grew weaker and weaker, and he felt himself being slowly pulled downward towards the edge of the crevasse.

Simon knew he could not hold onto the rope forever without beingness pulled to his death himself. Then, shaking with cold, he made the painful determination - later strongly criticised by some other mountaineers - to save his own life. He took a knife and cut the rope that tied him to his friend.| six | | But miraculously, Joe was not killed by his fall! He was desperately injured, close to death in fact, and he had no nutrient or water... but he was live! And he was determined not to dice alone!|7 | | It took him iv days. Joe'southward great courage and extraordinary determination saved him.

If you want to learn more than near Simon and Joe's extraordinary tale of adventure and survival, you lot can read Joe Simpson's book 'Touching the Void'. A film of the aforementioned name has also been made based on Joe's volume!

1 a large, deep fissure in thick water ice or rock


four  Apply a dictionary to help y'all explain the words/phrases in bold.



5  In pairs, use a dictionary to aid y'all choose the odd word which does not fit in each of the sentences (1-10). Add ane more word to each group.

1 She cut her finger/bone/large toe/leg and now it's bleeding.

two  She tripped over the hosepipe yesterday and desperately hobbling her  ee/arm/shin/musculus.

3  Tom broke his toe/arm/leg/lip yesterday.

four  My grandma recently fell down the stairs and fractured her llarbone/throat/skull/hip.

5  Oh no, I think I've sprained my waist/ankle/ wrist/back!

six  I've got a stiff neck/shoulder/leg/heel.

7  I call back I've washed something to my dorsum/ thumb/knee joint/hair.

viii  Amy scratched her arm/face/brain/leg really desperately while she was cutting the roses.

9   I've got a swollen lip/head/ankle/foot. He injure his nail/head/neck/back in the car accident.

6  Choose the correct words, then check in a lexicon.

1    My heart really pains/hurts!
2    I've got a(due north) nagging/excruciating hurting in my shoulder. It's not serious, but it won't go abroad.
3    Andy is still in harsh/severe pain with that atrocious football injury/wound.
4    Ouch! This bruise is really painful/hurtful!
5    Brian had to be cured/treated for frostbite after his climbing trek.
half dozen    We had a slim/narrow escape when our car skidded on ice.
7    Ann had some internal/inside haemorrhage after the accident.
eight    By the fourth dimension the ambulance arrived, the boy was unconscious/hidden.


vii   a  Mind and read the text over again. Practise you retrieve Simon made the right determination? What would you have done? Why? Hash out in pairs.

b  In groups of iii, take the roles of an interviewer, Simon and Joe and fix questions and answers for a radio interview. Record your interview and play it to the class.


8  Portfolio: Imagine y'all are Joe. Write a paragraph describing what happened and how yous felt during your journeying down the mountain to safety (80-100 words).

ix  Think !  Practice you concur with the statement?

! Words of Wisdom

Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the backbone to lose sight of the shore.

                                                                                      (Andre Gide, French writer)

Английский язык. 11 класс : учеб. для общеобразоват. учреждений / [О.В. Афанасьева, Дж.Дули, И.В. Михеева и др.]. - two-е изд., доп. и перераб. - М.: Express Publishing : Просвещение, 2009. - 244 с. : ил. - (Английский в фокусе).

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